Monday, March 25, 2013

Things I miss about Home

Cheerwine, family, Bojangles, sweet tea, parking decks, the ability to say y'all....
Speaking of parking decks.... people out here look at me like I have five heads when they ask where I parked and my response is "I parked in the deck."  It's like they have no idea what I'm talking about.  They think I parked on someone's back porch or something.  So when I go home to Charlotte I make sure to take pictures of all signs indicating a "parking deck."  

I have tons more however, I think you get the idea.   What do you call a "parking deck?"

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Go Heels! Oh wait, I mean Kansas...

In honor of the final four I finally decided to post pictures from the Las Vegas Invitational basketball tournament that was back in November 2010.  A great time was had by all...I got to high 5 all the UNC players, shake Roy Williams hand, and get heckled by obnoxious UNLV fans.  It was a great time!  Except for the fact that UNC lost to stinking UNLV.  

 But before they lost to UNLV they did manage to beat USC.  I found it comical that I was all the way across the country and I was watching UNC play USC.  And for all of you west coasters that read my blog, that's the University of South Carolina not Southern California.
 Love this guy.  Well, I love them all to be honest...
I was so excited to shake Roy Williams' hand that I tried to take a picture at the same time to have evidence and only managed to get a picture of his shoulder... This is what happens when my husband is in his seat and I'm stalking the players.
I always knew that Tyler Zeller was seven feet tall but man, he's tall!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Southern Made

I miss the South.  That is all.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

So here I sit on the last night of 2011 thinking to myself, wow, I haven't blogged in a while.  I might have to add "blog more," to my list of new year's resolutions.  It's already quite a lengthy endeavor. In my effort to to have a successful 2012, lets visit previous years resolutions gone awry.
1. Learn to play the guitar
-I'm pretty sure my three guitars are still collecting dust in various parts of the house.  They are more a piece of decor than a musical instrument.
2. Get in shape
-I think my elliptical is collecting dust too except for when my husband happens upon it.
3. Lose weight.
-See previous entry.
4.  Eat healthier
-Sometimes the resolution is just too vague to be successful.  I can make any food look healthy by comparing it to something worse.  "Why yes I will have this Whopper Jr and small fries.  It's much healthier than a Double Whopper with cheese and a LARGE fry!."
5.  Save Money
-My bank account shows the evidence of this failure just like my waist band shows all that weight I didn't lose.
6.  Order Wedding Pictures
-Yes you read that correctly.  I have been married for almost six years and haven't ordered my wedding pictures.  Maybe that will make it on the resolution list for 2012.

As 2011 draws to a close, I'm surrounded by food, family and drinks.  I plan to pack on as much weight as possible in the next four hours so I can have more to lose in 2012!!!  Just kidding.  Happy New Year! Love ya'll!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Unique Craigslist Post

I found this posting on Craiglist about a year ago and thought it was time to share...

Seeking bodyguard named Betty

Date: 2010-06-21, 1:33AM EDT

I am a Paul Simon fan in my mid thirties. As my name is Al, for the past 20 years I've been searching for a friend named Betty with whom I could sing the Paul Simon song "You Can Call Me Al." Imagine how much fun we could have singing along with the lyrics and pointing at each other when our names are mentioned! We could sing it together on road trips with the windows down, at home with our stereos cracked loud, we can smile at each other knowingly when it's played in gas stations and grocery stores and text each other when we're apart and it comes on the radio. I'm especially looking forward to acting out our own version of the classic Paul Simon Chevy Chase music video. We can post it on Youtube!

Just to be clear, I'm not really looking for a bodyguard (that's a lyric from the song haha!) just a friend named Betty.

If you want we could maybe sing other Paul Simon songs at some point but I'd really rather we stick with our namesakes You Can Call Me Al. Of course I want proof your name is really Betty so when we meet I'll need to see a state issued photo ID with that name. I'll also accept Elizabeth, Roberta or Beatrix.

Please write back soon I can't wait to hang out
-Your long lost pal!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just for kicks...

In honor of the Women's World Cup Championship today, I present to you my favorite picture of our anatomy models.  That's right, it's not a REAL foot.  It's plastic.  Look at me balancing a foot and ankle with only my index finger on the calcaneous.  I'm like a Harlem Globetrotter!

Just in case my World Cup reference was a little vague, let me sketch out my thought process for you:

  The world cup is a soccer game 
You kick a soccer ball with your feet 
I have an awesome picture of a foot
I've been wanting to find an excuse to post this foot picture for over a year!!
I'm going to log in to my blog and post my foot picture 

Hopefully that answered any questions... Cam Cam OUT!