Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

So here I sit on the last night of 2011 thinking to myself, wow, I haven't blogged in a while.  I might have to add "blog more," to my list of new year's resolutions.  It's already quite a lengthy endeavor. In my effort to to have a successful 2012, lets visit previous years resolutions gone awry.
1. Learn to play the guitar
-I'm pretty sure my three guitars are still collecting dust in various parts of the house.  They are more a piece of decor than a musical instrument.
2. Get in shape
-I think my elliptical is collecting dust too except for when my husband happens upon it.
3. Lose weight.
-See previous entry.
4.  Eat healthier
-Sometimes the resolution is just too vague to be successful.  I can make any food look healthy by comparing it to something worse.  "Why yes I will have this Whopper Jr and small fries.  It's much healthier than a Double Whopper with cheese and a LARGE fry!."
5.  Save Money
-My bank account shows the evidence of this failure just like my waist band shows all that weight I didn't lose.
6.  Order Wedding Pictures
-Yes you read that correctly.  I have been married for almost six years and haven't ordered my wedding pictures.  Maybe that will make it on the resolution list for 2012.

As 2011 draws to a close, I'm surrounded by food, family and drinks.  I plan to pack on as much weight as possible in the next four hours so I can have more to lose in 2012!!!  Just kidding.  Happy New Year! Love ya'll!

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